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Sunday, 29 January 2012

Build a Revenant Titan - Part 7

In the last post I showed you all the general pose of the Revenant Titan. The build was going pretty well and the next port of call were the main engines. Even these blasted things have a ball joint connection to the shoulders! As always, the trick is to make sure that the ball is heavily scored with a blade to help increase surface grip for the glue. Having the pose already set in place means that the engines can be fitted at angles to portray the movement needed.

The exhausts are glued simply in place with some superglue.

With the Revenant Titan now joined, and the engines in place, it was finally time to put it on a base. It had taken a long time to find one that I was happy with... the initial ones I looked at were too big and there were many that were too small. I settled on an oval base "liberated" from a china figurine of my mum's. The figurine had suffered an unfortunate incident (and no, it wasn't a "convenient accident"... except that it was, after all, very convenient in deed!)

Being oval means the base is not huge, so reduces "wasted space". This means that I don't need to worry about adding extra interest to it, keeping the focus on the Titan itself. More importantly, the base has a nice thickness and edge detail to it too, plus felt on the underside which would help avoid slipping!

The hole for the foot pin went in at the right angle and whilst I would have perhaps liked to insert more pins I didn't want to ruin anything... besides, I can't stand visible pins (you'll note the Forge World Titans have this)... so, I don't plan to add more pins unless it turns out the Revenant can't stand without visible pins!!!

Keeping with the Engine theme of this post, it was another simple matter to glue the hip engines on the hip balls you'll have spotted above. These are a single resin piece, but the trick is in their positioning as opposed to their construction! One points outwards, as it's working to change the Titan's direction of travel. The other is in a more relaxed position (or perhaps preparing to get a jump!). Even the shields are positioned to emphasise the direction of travel, and paying attention to little things like this helps gel the whole thing together convincingly!


  1. The one concern I have with this model and its poseability (while awesome) is that it places a lot of stress on key joins - even where pinned.

    I know of at least two separate titans where the weight of the model itself once built has slowly stretched a leg piece against a pin - while the pin held tight, the resin moved against it creating a prominent bulge in the shape of an underlying pin.

    Just be careful your pins are nice and thick and long to provide maximum support and go a fair way into the pieces, and that they are really secure and supportive through the foot on the ground and if possible magnetise the arms so they can be removed so the model isn't supporting the full weight all the time.

  2. Looking good Oink! Definitely like the attention to detail you've given it - it is the little thinks that really give it the proper sense of motion.

    Rogue Pom's suggestion about the magnetized arms reducing weight stresses in the long term is great advice. Definitely would suggest that as well.

    Loving it, man - keep up the great work!

  3. Thanks for the constructive comments

    @ Rogue Pom: A little later down the line, I had a little accident with the Titan... not to give too much away, but it gave me the opportunity to make a few minor adjustments which I will go into when I get to that post.

    I will say that there IS a degree of wobble... A delicate balance no doubt. I have not witnessed any warpage due to the weight, but unlike you (love your recent post BTW) I don't live in a furnace! So that might help my cause lol!

    I will have to take a picture of the things I've been using for pinning all large models... I'll put that into a future post for you.

    (also, liking your blog... consider yourself followed!)

    @ Mordian; Hope you like it as much as I like your Spartan Land Raider!!!

    1. Thanks Oink.

      Australia does have its climate issues to consider from a hobby perspective - the blogverse is replete with images and horror stories of warped movement trays, miniatures that have melted, and buckled under their own weight in the heat. Its an interesting place to live.

      Looking forward to the rest of this series.

      Cheers, Pom
